

Someone finally came to visit! Scott's dad, Phil and Stepmom, Kim came all the way from Colorado to see us here in Texas! It was a short visit but very fun! We took them to see the "Dallas" home from the TV show. Kim was a fan and has watched the show so she was excited!

After that we walked downtown Dallas to do some sightseeing.
Phil and Scott downtown

Love the look of this building

 Scott infront of the JFK Memorial Plaza

Dowtown Dallas
It was so nice to see Phil & Kim, very sad to see them leave. Can't wait until they come back out to visit!


Our Trip to Galena was good, lots of wine drinking....and I mean LOTS as well as a little bit of relaxing! It was beautiful, as always. The weather was normal for northern Illinois, hot and humid! We stayed in town the first two nights, it was really nice. Sat on the deck at night, under the stars drinking wine and eating our amazingly good apple and chocolates! Don't mind the paper "wine glasses" we forgot to buys some when we were downtown.

Downtown Galena is just beautiful! You have your old brick buildings, cobblestone roads, cute little boutique's, good restaurants, and winery's. 

We were married at Galena Cellars Vineyard but who would have thought that we would ever become local celebrities!!! As we were walking through downtown, we stopped in to have some wine...Imagine that.... We discovered this booklet that showcased our beautiful wedding out at the vineyard, as well as cute brochures!

We finally made our way out to the vineyard to stay...It was worth the wait! Now it was time to just sit back, relax, and enjoy some EXTREMELY good Vino! The view from the vineyard suite was so pretty...I got up especially early to see the sunrise.

Once we were out in the middle of nowhere...We thought we would have some fun! Especially since no one was around for miles! It was just us and our wine...
Like I said....Just us and our wine!
The wine tour we went on was really interesting. We learned where most of the grapes come from, how they are crushed, fermented, put in holding tanks, and then bottled!

We had a lot of fun on our mini vacation...However we were ready to get home! 6 nights away from our bed and Mooser was just too long! Thank you Galena Cellars for being such gracious hosts to us!   Can't wait to see where our next adventure takes us!


It's the most Wonderful time of the year.....

Christmas was very good this year, we were so blessed to be surrounded by loving family and friends an family. We have made some wonderful friends that have become just as close as family in 2011. Moving to Texas was truly a blessing. As always we had our Annual Tresnak PJ/Ugly Christmas Sweater Fiesta and it was a success! We had tons of yummy food, watched the "usual" Christmas movies while the men all played Madden on the Wii. Then Christmas morning we woke up and went to Mom & Dad's house to celebrate! Had such a great day and am excited for many more to come!

The Green Lantern came to the party....

Mom and Dad kinda checked out early...They were sleepy!

Oh Christmas Tree!

Christmas Morning at Mom & Dad's


Fighting for Fricke Football Season 2011

There is really no words to describe this football season, but if I had to put the season into words they would be; Phenomenal, Extraordanary, or maybe simply AmAzInG.... The Centennial Varsity Football team not only DOMINATED the field every Friday night but also showed us what it was like to fight for a cause. This 2011 football season was dedicated to the late Coach Ben Fricke who was diagnosed with stage 4 Metastatic Colon Cancer on January 7th, 2011. On February 21, 2011 at the young age of 35 we lost a Titan and one of the BEST coaches ever to set foot on a football field. Coach left behind his Wife Amy, two young children Luke -7 and Synneva - 1 and the entire TITAN NATION. Titans proved that they were fighting for Fricke with an Undefeated 10-0 regular season which won them the title of District Champs and 12-1 playoff season.

This was a picture from the 2010 JV Football Season - Coach Fricke's last season but always in our hearts. RIP Coach.....

#70 Emmit Morgan

Hold'em Boys! Look at that line! Kickin...BUTT & Taking Names......

Definately played at some amazing stadiums throughout Northern Texas. This was the last game of the Playoff season in Midlothian, Texas.

Lots of tears shed at this last game, which was only their 1st loss of both regular season and playoff season. Such a great game and again an Amazing season. You boys played your hearts out on that field. you have a lot to be PROUD of....The whole Titan Nation and Coach Fricke was very, VERY proud of you.
# 70....What can I say, I am SO Proud of you and the man you have become. You played your heart out and always have Coach there watching over you. Keep up the good work with your grades and keep playing hard! I love you....


Up Up and Away

We didn't really know what 4:00 am looked like until we were waking up to head out to the Plano Balloon Festival. I wanted to see the "Balloon Glow" and thanks to the WONDERFUL husband I have he agreed to take me along with Mom and Dad. Of course we had to make a Starbucks run along the way!!
Unfortunately it was too windy to launch the balloons and make them glow so we just had to enjoy our coffee and them staying "grounded".....
It was one of the most amazing things that I have ever experienced. We had such a good time walking around looking at all of the balloons and talking to all the different people from all over.

Mom and Dad enjoyed the balloon's too!

This had to be my FAVORITE Balloon there...Her name...Annie! LOVED Her!


Pink Out

To raise awareness for breast cancer during the month of October the Pediatric Dentist office that I work for had a total "PINK OUT" day. Thank goodness we have a fun boss that would allow us to wear crazy pink stuff from eye lashes to crazy looking pajama pants and even PINK HAIR! We all had so much fun that day. We loved it! I love the office I work for as well as the people I work with.
Our CrAzY Office!

Me and my PINK "special friend" Kel!


Texas is for Lovers

Scott and I have lived in Iowa for about 6 years and had been looking to move south to escape the CrAzY Midwest Winters.We had always joked around that we would move to Texas because that is where Jessica Simpson is from and we all know that I LOVE HER!!! My dad had been looking for a new job and happen to interview with a company from Dallas. After a few interviews he told us that he had accepted the job and they were all moving to Texas....We are all very close so I was a bit taken back until they asked us to come with. Of course we said yes!!! It all happened so fast, within one month we had sold most of of larger furniture and packed everything up and we were ready to move!

With 2 cars, a moving truck, 3 dogs, a cat, and 5 adults we loaded of all the cars and drove 23 hours straight from Newton, Ia to Frisco, Tx with only 45 min of sleep.....We were all SO sleepy when we pulled up to our new home. But I have to say with all the hard work, no sleep, and long hours on the road we all put in Texas was WELL worth it! I can honestly say that I love where we live and am very thankful to my parents for asking us to come with them on this crazy journey. We can now start a new chapter in our life <3
Above was our new house! My Dad did such a good job picking it out!

Moose was passed out in the back of the car on our way to TEXAS!

Yep, We offically live here! I love our new home!